

The Society, as you've come to expect, will once again put together a fantastic performer lineup, special shows, seminars, and dancing. Make your room reservations, and purchase your badges early to take advantage of the discounted prices and start planning for another terrific ragtime festival.

We are proud to say we produce the world's premiere annual ragtime festival in the Sacramento area, the ragtime capital of the world! There's lots of great music performed by the finest musicians from inside and outside the U.S., spread over three days.

There will be three venues all on the ground floor level of the hotel, which run simultaneously, almost nonstop throughout the three days of the festival, including dancing. They do close for short periods on a rotating schedule for piano tuning and room setup. In addition, there are ragtime stores where you can purchase our performers' music, as well as various goodies like vintage clothing, records and more.


New This Year

Saturday Dance Event

This year, we're excited to offer a special Saturday Vintage Dance Event. Come to the Rancho Cordova Room from 9 am – 5 pm and enjoy an exclusive vintage dance instruction program with our special guests Richard Powers and Joan Walton, followed by evening dancing with the Pacific Coast Ragtime Orchestra and the Grand March, Ragtime Parade event. You may purchase this badge alone, or it is included with your with your Saturday or Weekend festival badge. Price is $45.
Click Here for more info.

After-Festival Cocktail Party

In lieu of the festival dinner this year, we're going to have a post-festival Cocktail Party! Mix and mingle with friends and performers, while enjoying Hors d’Oeuvres and desserts with a No-host bar available for purchasing drinks. This gives everyone a chance to talk, laugh, play and enjoy the afterglow of a great festival. Suggested donation is $25.


Friday, November 22 - Sunday, November 24
Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova

11211 Point East Drive
Rancho Cordova, California 95742


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